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S5 Tab Show

Written by Administrator

The S5 Tab show module has been edited to match the layout of this design. This module can be demoed on the homepage of this design.

It holds up to 10 actual module positions so you can publish any of your favorite modules to one of the slides and keep your site clean and consolidated while giving it some eye candy. So simply add the modules positions as described below, publish the s5 tab show module and then start publishing modules to the positions in the tab show (s5_tab1, s5_tab2, etc)

The following is a quick list of features that are included with the module:

  • Choose Mootools slide in or S5 Effects snap in or fade in effects (Choose S5 Effects to guarantee no script conflictions)
  • Set button backgrounds and hovers
  • Holds up to 10 module positions
  • Specify the width of the module
  • XHTML Valid

Joomla 1.5 new module positions setup. Here's how you do it:

  • Open up the XML file included with the template you are using
  • Locate the <positions> area
  • Start adding new positions <position>s5_tab1</position> <position>s5_tab2</position>, etc all the way up to s5_tab10.
  • Click the save button in the upper right hand corner and you're done!

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 July 2011 23:01

S5 Box




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