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S5 Reservations

Choose your package:
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Arrow Select a package

Your information:
First Name:*
Arrow Enter your first name

Last Name:*
Arrow Enter your last name

Arrow Enter your email

Phone Number:*
Arrow Enter your number

Number of Beds:
Arrow Select how many beds you need
Number of Guests:
Arrow Enter how many guests you have

Check in/Check out:
Check In:
Arrow Enter a check in date
Check Out:
Arrow Enter a check out date

Extra Information:

Enter Code:

RTL Language

Donec sit amet nibh. Viva lacer donec a mus non arcu. Lorem ipsum dolo. Viva lacer.

Fixed or Fluid Width

Donec sit amet nibh. Viva lacer donec a mus non arcu. Lorem ipsum dolo. Viva lacer

Get Reserved Joomla Template
Monday, 08 February 2010 19:43
nimage1 Run a hotel or some sort of booking style site? The Get Reserved template is designed for these style websites although it can be used on any site. New this month we have released the NEW S5 Reservation module that will allow your users to send inquires or booking requests. We also have updated the Image and Content Fader module to 2.5 including some new features to give you more control of the module's output.
Stored Images
Thursday, 14 January 2010 07:55
nimage2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In venenatis enim quis ante aliquam ornare. Phasellus sit amet enim non mauris varius blandit. Quisque a justo ac orci gravida placerat et id nisi. Integer nec ligula in ligula luctus rutrum in aliquam libero.
  • Castle Hotel

    stars1 Aenean libero enim, mattis sit amet iaculis in, facilisis ut magna. In tincidunt

    Per Night: $450
  • Placerat Luctus

    In tincidunt aenean libero enim, mattis sit amet iaculis in, facilisis ut magna.

    Per Night: $750
  • Miguana Beach

    Aenean libero enim, mattis sit amet iaculis in, facilisis ut magna. In tincidunt

    Per Night: $670

Some of Our Photos and Videos:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
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What do you think of us?


Best Service Around!

Viva lacer donec a mus non arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet proeml ae consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolo. Donec sit amet nibh. Viva lacer donec a mus non arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet proeml ae consectetur.

Every Room:

Viva lacer donec a mus non arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet proeml ae consectetur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet proeml ae consectetur.

Contact Us

6399 North Wells Road
Bigtownville, CO, USA 12345
Tel: 800-123-4567
@: [email protected]

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